Saturday, 18 April 2020

What Are The Various Types Of Mental Health Disorders ?

Mental health is taken more seriously these days than physical health. With so much luxury, our physical health is safe but with the added stress and fast lifestyle, our mental health is not.

Many of us prefer to visit a Psychiatrist Southport for a regular checkup or if we feel some mental stress and discomfort in life.

Yet, it is unclear as to what symptoms are physiological and what are mental health-related.

So many of us are confused as to what disorders are treated by a psychologist.

We need to understand that any activity that you do or any emotion you feel if it hampers with your daily functioning then you need to visit a psychologist.

Along with these, a psychologist tackles various disorders related to mental health. Read on to find out what those disorders are, their symptoms, and basic knowledge.

Mental disorders and symptoms:

  1. Autism spectrum disorder
  2. Depression
  3. ADHD
  4. Anxiety and mood disorders
  5. Stress and PTSD

1. Autism spectrum disorder:

Autism is a condition that is caused by abnormalities in brain structure and function. Autism can be detected from a young age. Autism hinders a person from having a social interaction without feeling the symptoms of anxiety. The person with autism has mainly problems with daily social interactions, fear of change, obsession or unusual interest in their object. They also have under or over heightened senses and repeated ticks in the body. A person with autism feels comfortable with a familiar person and by having a rigid schedule. They will also carry their safety object everywhere with them.

2. Depression:

Depression is a common cold in psychology. Our frequent mistake is not understanding the difference between sadness and depression. Sadness is a mood whereas depression is a clinical diagnosis disorder. In depression, people are sad frequently and some cry all day long. They are ignorant of personal hygiene and daily work, habits and social interaction. Often people put up a front of “happiness” to hide their depression. Depression can even cause people to be suicidal. When you see these symptoms, you should visit a psychologist Burleigh.

3. ADHD:

ADHD is often interpreted as “hyper children”. People suffering from this are very aggressive and hyper. They get angry easily and can cause harm to themselves and others. The people with ADHD also have a difficult time to focus and give something their active and full concentration for a long time. Academic teachings are difficult for them as their attention span is short. ADHD can be detected from a young age and some medications along with relaxation techniques will help them.

4. Anxiety and mood disorders

Anxiety and mood disorders include phobias of all kinds, depression, bipolar personality, etc. |People with mood disorders have a specific mood that is affected by different stimulants and then act according to it. There are many medications and therapy plans for such individuals depending on the severity of the disorder.

5. Stress and PTSD

All of us are familiar with stress. It's a part and parcel of our life. Whereas some stress is healthy for us as it keeps us motivated and productive; chronic stress is fatal. Stress if not dealt with can cause a person to die or ongoing symptoms of other physical and mental disorders as well. PTSD is found among people who have faced some major trauma in their life in the form of man-made or natural calamities. Loss and grief can cause PTSD too. It's identified by having recurrent hallucinations and nightmares.

All mental health disorders are dealt with both medication and therapy. Visit a Psychiatrist Burleigh if you think you have any symptom or emotional distress and get back to a functioning and healthy life.

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